French Police Just Forced A Sunbathing Woman To Remove Her Burkini On A Beach In France

A new French law just passed banned the Burkini, and Police are enforcing that law

Louise Belcher
Created by Louise Belcher
On Aug 24, 2016

A law passed in France recently has made it illegal for women to wear Burkinis on the beach. The bathing suit allows Women to swim and still remain modest, and is popular among religious Muslims.

It's looks pretty comfy!


The ban might seem impractical, but images that surfaced today show that at least in small French beach towns, Police are enforcing the ban. Here we see four Police Officers approaching a woman in a Burkini on a beach in Nice

four seems a tad excessive?


The Woman complies, and removes her Burkini, but this show of force seems a little excessive, and it's strange thing to make a piece of clothing illegal. What do YOU think about this? Should Police be enforcing this ban, or will this kind of law never be truly practical?

Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to share with your friends!

We're glad that no one was hurt in this incident!

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