what alcohol are you

take the quiz to discover your alcohol personality

bitchy bartender
Created by bitchy bartender (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 30, 2017

do u prefer clubbing or a sophisticated party?

when buying alcohol do you go for...

how do you prefer your alcohol?

which age group are you

how often do you meet up with friends?

its the weekend! what do u do?

craft beer

craft beer

your unquie, rare and for a paticular taste. embrace your differences



you're no fine wine. you love a party and are straight to the point. mixing is one of your best atributes along with your young personality.



your of a mature taste and get on with those of an older generation. dont let bitterness get you down, theres also plenty of fruity ales around.

red wine

red wine

you're certainly one for sophistication. like many wines your rare and valuable. dont pop your cork for just anyone.

white wine

white wine

you're sweet personality can be overwhelming to those who dont deseve it.

rose wine

rose wine

oh my! you really are the perfect mix of sweet and yet sophisticated. a real all rounder.



full of fun and perfect for those great occassions. your not an alcohol to be wasted so dont let anyone pop your bubbles.

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On Nov 18, 2021