Would You Pass Miss Manner's Etiquette Exam?

This is of the utmost importance.

Liz Carlson
Created by Liz Carlson
On Mar 16, 2017

You are attending a dinner party and see the above place setting before you. What dish do you eat with the left fork?

You get an invite to a bridal shower. You're not sure you want to commit to going or not. What do you do?

In which of the following instances is it acceptable NOT to send a thank you note?

You are going to a show with a friend and it begins at 7:00. You can't find the right outfit, so you're running a little behind. You...

What topic is generally off-limits at a party?

A coworker's parent has passed away. You...

Which of the following has no place in a work email?

You are having coffee with a friend and get an important text.

You're waiting to get on an elevator and the door opens. You...

When is gossip acceptable?

You Failed

You Failed

You failed! Uh oh, I guess you really have no idea about the do's and don'ts of etiquette. You have disappointed Miss Manners.



You're nearly there, but not quite. You don't know as much about manners as you may have thought. Maybe it's time to revisit Miss Manner's rule book.

You Passed!

You Passed!

You passed! You are a regular Miss Manners yourself! You know how to set a beautiful table, what to wear when and the proper etiquette for almost any situation. Way to go!

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