How Healthy Is Your Business? [For Promotional Product Distributors]

Do you think you and your team have it all figured out? Take this fun and insightful quiz to find out! Our business health quiz will take less than 3 minutes to complete and will give you an INSTANT assessment of your business.

Liz Allen
Created by Liz Allen(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 24, 2015

Can customers place and pay for an order on your website?

Can you clearly identify what distinguishes your business from your main competitor(s)?

Do you know why your customers choose a competitor's business over yours?

Do you want to sell more products online?

How often do you post about your business on social media?

Do you utilize targeted email marketing?

What is the top way you gain new customers?

Do you offer discounts, coupons or specials on your website?

Do you have a CRM system?

Does your website display testimonies or case studies?

How often do you update your website content?

Are you familiar with how Millennials like to buy?

When it comes to product, you believe:

How much did your business grow over the last three years in total?

Perfect Health!

Perfect Health!

Well done - you’re the distributor equivalent of Serena Williams or Usain Bolt! You’re at the top of your game and fighting hard to stay there. You’re not afraid of change, and have taken the right steps to adapt your business and engage with a changing market place. Stay focused, keep true to your vision, and you'll continue to beat the competition.
Quiz designed by Customer Focus Software []

You're lacking a few essential vitamins

You're lacking a few essential vitamins

You’re a bit like Rocky in Rocky II – you’ve had some success, but you’re not at the top of your game just now. It's time to commit to a plan to make sure your business not only stays afloat, but also prospers. Tune in to what your competitors are doing, survey your customers to find out how you could better meet their needs, and be open minded to the internet as a sales channel. Positioning yourself as an expert in promotional products with regular blog posts and social media will also help you engage with a new generation of customers.

Quiz designed by Customer Focus Software []

You've got the flu. If left untreated, it could turn into something more serious

You've got the flu. If left untreated, it could turn into something more serious

If left untreated it could turn into something more serious. You’re working with sales tactics that have worked in the past, but the times they are a-changing. With buying power passing to younger people who prefer to start their research on the internet, and want to be treated like individuals, you need to ensure you’re positioned to capture their interest. Start by making sure you have an updated website which gives people a good reason to contact you (and that doesn’t have to be the cheapest price – your website is your calling card for consultancy too), and segmenting your email marketing lists so people feel you understand their needs.

Quiz designed by Customer Focus Software []

Call 911

Call 911

Watching customers slip away to a lower-priced, internet-based competitor and not sure how to fix it? This is a warning sign that your business is very sick, but all is not lost. The first step to change is awareness. It's imperative you find out what your competition is up to, why they're successful and how their strategies could boost your bottom line. You can’t compete on price with the big players, but there are other points of differentiation. In the promotional products industry, it’s not really about what you sell, it’s why you sell it. If that passion and expertise isn’t right there for all to see on the home page of your website, then we recommend you do that first.

Quiz designed by Customer Focus Software []

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021