Can We Guess How Many Hours You Sleep At Night?
Can We Guess How Many Hours You Sleep At Night?

What did you see first?
Do you like to drink hot beverages at night?
Pick your favorite sleeping position...
Scientists say that a good night's sleep can help your sex life.
When do you usually go to sleep?
Your pajamas consist of:
The more you sleep, the less your genes determine your weight.
Which do you prefer?
Too Much!!
Too Much!!
When we think about too much sleep, we think of you!
You don't save a lot of free time for hobbies or social life, you'd rather spend your hours under a warm blanket.
You sleep WAY too much, but hey, you like it!
We always say "do what you love", but, we'd recommend you to take a few hours off sleeping and use it to find some new hobbies. Who knows, maybe you have a cool secret talent you don't know about!
Not Enough!
Not Enough!
Hey, please try to stay awake and read this till the end.
We know you're probably really tired, but give us a minute.
As you just realized, you're not sleeping enough. You work for many hours and spend the rest of your day and night with other responsibilities and chores. You just can't find enough time to sleep.
We know you lead a very hectic life, but you need to sleep more. Sleep helps you be more focused, regulates your weight, and improves your sex life(!).
Come on, set up a date with your bed for some quality time, we know you'll love it!
8 Hours
8 Hours
You live a very well balanced life, full with different experiences, hard work, and a great social life.
You want to have it all, and you're really close to achieving that!
We wish we could've been more like you!
6 Hours
6 Hours
Although you feel fine with that amount, a person your age should sleep for at least 7 hours a night.
We know this "extra" hour might not seem like much, but every minute counts when you get into your R.E.M sleep.
Try setting your clock for 7 hours, and tell us how good it felt later.
5 Hours
5 Hours
When it comes to sleep, you normally dedicate 5 hours to this chore.
Why chore? Because you don't really enjoy it.
You are a very productive person who would much rater spend those hours doing something meaningful than just sleep.
Although you see it as a waste of time, it is essential to your body. It will actually HELP you become more productive, because you won't be that tired all the time!
Come on, just try adding a few more hours. We know you'll love it.
9 Hours
9 Hours
You know exactly how much time you need to sleep for your body to function, and you add one more hour for your soul.
You love sleeping, but you also love being productive and living life outside of the bed.
You have the perfect sleeping/awake ratio! Good job!