How Imaginative Are You?

Ever wonder how imaginative you are? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by lilybarnowl (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Nov 13, 2016

How often do you daydream?

Do you write?

What is your favorite genre out of these two?

What is your favorite subject at school?

Do you create circumstances in your head?

What is your dream career?

Your favorite animal?

Would you rather be...



You overflow with imagination, and use it all the time!

A Jar Full

A Jar Full

You are a jar full of imagination, with enough to make life fun and interesting!

Half a Jar

Half a Jar

You got a little imagination, enough to be slightly creative.

Empty Jar

Empty Jar

You have hardly any imagination, and making things up just doesn't happen with you.

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