Which Disney Gift Should You Ask For This Christmas?

Are you a major Disney kid? Do you dream of working at Disney Parks and becoming a real Disney prince or princess one day? Do you own all the Disney movies on DVD even though DVD players are totally out? Well then you probably will ask for a Disney gift this year, but which one should you really ask for?

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Dec 12, 2019
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If you had to watch 1 Disney movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What is your favorite Disney saying?

If you could listen to only 1 Disney song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Which Disney character do you relate to most?

Which Disney character freaks you out the most?

What is your favorite Disney Christmas movie?

What is your favorite part about Christmas?

On a scale of 1-4, how much of a Disney fan are you?

You should ask for...A Mickey Crystal Pendant

You should ask for...A Mickey Crystal Pendant

When Disney runs in your veins, it's not enough to just get a one off gift that you might lose of break. No. Your family and friends understand how deep your love for Disney goes and only an expensive crystal pendant will be able to satisfy your fandom. This way you will always be reminded of how much you love Disney and it will always be close to your heart. Awww. Order yours here: https://amzn.to/2tahamN

You should ask for...A Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker

You should ask for...A Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker

You are part foodie, part Disney fan and when the two come together, man you're in heaven! A Mickey Waffle Maker is right up your alley, right in the same area as a Mickey toaster, or a Mickey egg pan. As long as your breakfast is Disneyfied, you're happy.
Order your own here! https://amzn.to/34iEagi

You should ask for...Monopoly: The Lion King Edition.

You should ask for...Monopoly: The Lion King Edition.

You are a bit more serious Disney Fan. You only stick to the classics because you know they're good. You have every movie of course, but you only watch a few of them and because of that, you know that inside and out. Monopoly is your favorite game and you only wish you could play a Disney version, well this Christmas, it's your lucky day!
Order your own here: https://amzn.to/2RJQ2W4

You should ask for...a Den Series for Google Home Mini by Otterbox.

You should ask for...a Den Series for Google Home Mini by Otterbox.

You are totally a Disney song nerd. You know all the lyrics to every Disney song ever written including Hunchback of Notre Dame. You always have Disney music playing somewhere, and this Mickey adapter for Google Home Mimi will make it that much easier to jam to your favorite tunes wherever you are! https://www.otterbox.com/en-us/google-home-mini/den-series/77-60182.html?utm_campaign=-OBprom-&utm_medium=AFF&utm_source=CJ&utm_term=3640640&utm_content=--aaaa1234570aaaa%E2%80%94&cjevent=a26ed8f817ca11ea83a003850a24060e

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