This Image Quiz Will Reveal the Therapy You Need

Look at these images, which one resonates with you most? The result will tell you what type of therapy your body and soul is needing right now. There are so many different types of therapy and every personality is different. What type suits you best?

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Sep 20, 2022
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Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

Which image resonates most?

You need...animal therapy!

You need...animal therapy!

One of the most effective forms of therapy is emotional support animal therapy. This type of therapy helps you reduce stress by being supported by a pet! Who isn't happy when a dog or cat is around.

You therapy!

You therapy!

There are so many modalities of talk therapy. It's basically where you sit down with a therapist or group and have conversations about how you're feeling as well as apply tools that may help heal stress, trauma and anxiety.

You need...massage therapy!

You need...massage therapy!

Your stress is residing mostly in your muscles. You need to loosen up your body. Massage therapy uses special techniques and ultrasound therapy to release tension in muscles and reduce muscle knots.

Which type of therapy have you done before?

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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021