Can You Finish These Rare Shakespeare Quotes?

Only the biggest Shakespeare fans will get 100% on this quiz.

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Jun 26, 2022
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You will not see "To be or not to be," in this quiz. There are little known Shakespeare quotes that aren't often talked about. Are you a true bard genius? See if you can finish these rare-to-read Shakespeare quotes! Only the literary adept will prevail!

1 / 10

"Aroint thee, _____, aroint thee."

2 / 10

"The more my prayer, the lesser is my _____.”

3 / 10

“What, you ___?"

4 / 10

"Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own _______.”

5 / 10

“More matter with less ___.”

6 / 10

"Time and the hour runs through the ________ day.”

7 / 10

"Let me wipe it first, it ______ of mortality."

8 / 10

"It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like _____.” 

9 / 10

"To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man ______ out of ten thousand.”

10 / 10

"Out, vile _____!" 

Questions left

What is your favorite Shakespeare play?

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