Can You Speak Shakespeare?

If you were born in the Shakespearean century could you actually understand the lingo?

Created by LaurenBuzz
On May 11, 2016

"Adventure my discretion"

"Apparent prodigies"

"Bring the device to the bar"


"Pale Hecate"

"Purple-hued malt-worm"

"Rest you merry"

"Seated in the mean"

"Travelling lamp"


"Virgin hue"

"Wondrous sensible"

"Your mind hold"

You are fluent in Shakespeare

You are fluent in Shakespeare

Congratulations! You really can understand Shakespeare!

Back to Shakespeare School

Back to Shakespeare School

Better luck next time! We don't know what Shakespeare is saying either!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021