Which New Kid Are You?

Are You... Danny?...Donnie?...Joe?...Jon... Or Jordan?

Kylie Rackley
Created by Kylie Rackley(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Who is your favorite new kid?

Which new kids song is your favorite?

If you were on the tour bus with them ( In the 80's-90's), What would you do with the guys to pass the time?



So, If you got Danny... Im guessing your favorite member was Danny! Also I'm guessing that your favorite song is Probably Please Don't go girl... Maybe and your Favorite thing to do is rest and take a nap when your on the bus.



So, since you got Joey, Im guessing he is your favorite member of the group and im guessing that your favorite song is Please Dont Go Girl, and Im guessing your a gamer... And like to play Nintendo like Joey.



So, since you got Jon, Im guessing he is your favorite member of the group. Im guessing your favorite song is right stuff. even though Jordan and Donnie are main singers in this song, Jon said in a interview that right stuff was his favorite song, so u guys are similar. And im guessing you like to read because you would probably like to read fan mail with Jon.



So, since you got jordan im guessing he is your favorite member of the group. Your favorite songs are either I'll Be Loving You. Right Stuff, or Please Don't Go Girl. And im guessing you like the keyboard and like to make music because in your free time you would probabl love to be playing on the keyboard with Jordan.



So, since you got Donnie im guessing he is your favorite member of the group. Im also guessing your favorite songs are either Right Stuff, Hangin Tough, or Cover Girl. And im guessing your a gamer. Because you would love to play the Nintendo with Donnie.

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