Are You A Hero Or Villain?

Are you heroic & save the day or the mastermind in the causes of evil?

Created by KarenEPinales (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On May 28, 2015

A cat is stuck in a tree, what do you do?

A building's on fire! What do you do?

You see somebody trip & fall what do you do?

Some bullies are messing with you, so you.....

You order food at a restaurant & they give you the wrong thing, you.....

Your crush publicly humiliates you by turning you down in a harsh way, you....?

Someone hacked your instagram account, you...?



You are a Hero!!! You save the day & get the girl or man for those super girls. Your charm has saved you more than once & your fierce bravery. The towns people love & depend on you. You go super you!!



You are the Villain. The world despises you & your sinful nature. You were never quite understood & want to take it out on the world. The towns people fear you & you like it that way! You're known for plotting evil revenge schemes and having your way.... until justice kicks in.

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