Can You Guess 25/35 Of These Company Logos?

If you don't know the difference between the g's in Google and Gucci, this quiz will teach you a thing or two

Jordan Cohen
Created by Jordan Cohen
On Sep 7, 2020
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Are you obsessed with brand names? If you love spotting out fake Louis Vuitton bags, you definitely know what to look for in a brand's distinct logo. The straight lines in the "L" or the curves in the Gucci "G" - you know what makes a good logo. If you love identifying famous and maybe some unknown logos, you need to take this quiz!

1 / 35

Let's start off easy. Which brand's logo is this?

2 / 35

Which designer brand does this logo belong to?

3 / 35

What logo is this?

4 / 35

Guess the company logo with this clue:

5 / 35

This should be easy:

6 / 35

Have you ever seen this logo?

7 / 35

Where have you seen this logo?

8 / 35

Do you recognize this logo?

9 / 35

Which brand is represented by this lion?

10 / 35

Is this logo familiar?

11 / 35

Where have you seen this logo?

12 / 35

Guess the logo:

13 / 35

Recognize this one?

14 / 35

What famous logo is this?

15 / 35

Do you know which company updated their logo in 2019?

16 / 35

You must know this iconic logo:

17 / 35

Which brand's logo is this?

18 / 35

What logo is this?

19 / 35

Have you seen this logo on anything?

20 / 35

Do you recognize this logo?

21 / 35

Do you know the logo?

22 / 35

Recognize this logo?

23 / 35

Do you know this designer logo?

24 / 35

What brand's logo is this?

25 / 35

What brand is this?

26 / 35

Where have you seen this logo?

27 / 35

Do you know this logo?

28 / 35

What logo is this?

29 / 35

Have you seen this logo anywhere?

30 / 35

Know this brand?

31 / 35

Recognize this logo?

32 / 35

Know this logo?

33 / 35

What brand's logo is this?

34 / 35

Looks familiar?

35 / 35

What logo is this?

Questions left

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