10 Best Ideas for the College Essay Topic

All students question what to write about in their essays (http://essays.solutions/blog/how-to-choose-a-topic-for-a-college-essay), and they would like to know what topics the admissions officers may be looking for. These officers look for three things in the students essays:Unique perspective, Strong writing, Authentic voice
There really isn’t a magical topic guaranteeing admission to the college or university. The readers love stories, and that’s what they’re looking for from the applicants.

Joline Wikander
Created by Joline Wikander (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 18, 2016

1. Travel Back in Time

Students need to imagine they can travel back through time. They’ll be able to stop where and when they want and give a reason for their decision. It’s a great subject to discuss with family and friends who might be a history buff themselves.


2. Select an Influential Creative Work

It could be a piece of art, a novel, painting, a poem, or a musical number that may have influenced the way students view themselves and the world. In the essay, discuss how this piece of work has had an effect on them.


3. Choose a Quotation

Students need to choose a quote that describes them and explain the reason why. It could be from Wilde, Churchill, Shakespeare, Einstein or anyone else that defines them.


4. Change One Day of a Student Life

Students need to pick a day in their past and decide how they would change it and explain why. It will help explore the concept of whether their fate is decided by their actions or if destiny prevails no matter what actions were taken.


5. Having a Free Day

Students have a day where they can spend any way they want. They have to describe how they would spend their free time. However they describe their perfect day, a lot will be revealed about them.


6. Put New Faces on Mt. Rushmore

If students had the opportunity to create a Mt. Rushmore for this century, they need to decide whose faces they would choose and give the reason why. Examples could be Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower and many others.


7. Received Compliment

Students need to think of a compliment they received that was of value. They need to write what it was and who it ccame from. It could be about accomplishing a goal or maybe helping other people.


8. Start a College or University

If students were to start a university or college, they need to state a topic they would make mandatory for every student and why. They also need to explain their priorities and values of the institution and give the reasons why.


9. Explain What a Quote from Miles Davis Means to Them

The quote is ‘Don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there.” Now the student needs to tell what this quote means to them.


10. Answer the Question “Why did you do it?”

Students need to answer this question about any one thing they did in their life. The student may think hard, look inside, and give an answer from the heart. Or they may just answer off the cuff.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021