Your Answers To These Questions Will Reveal Whether You're An iPhone Or Android User

Regardless of what type of phone you use...there's a difference between iPhone users and Android users. Which category do you fall in? Take this quiz to find out!

Jocelyn Rovers
Created by Jocelyn Rovers
On Mar 19, 2020
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How much would you be willing to spend on a new smartphone?

Which of the following statements are most true for you?

Which industry do you work in?

Which of these apps do you use the most?

What's your gender?

How old are you?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Are you more comfortable being a leader? Or a follower?

You Android user

You Android user

You are a loyal Android user. Did you know that Android users are less likely to be addicted to their smartphones? That makes sense considering how many insane features the iPhone has. You like to keep it simple with your devices.

You iPhone user

You iPhone user

You're a loyal Apple iPhone user. Did you know that iPhone users spend more money than Android users? Just a little tidbit...

Your Answers To These Questions Will Reveal Whether You're An iPhone Or Android User

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