Can We Uncover Your Fatal Flaw?

Can we guess your hamartia?

Jake Kapasi
Created by Jake Kapasi
On Dec 5, 2016

Which of the following is your biggest weakness?

If you had one wish, which of the following would you wish for?

Answer Honestly: How would you react if your best friend got a job you wanted?

Which of the following do you value more?

How likely is it that you will make it big?

How are you most likely to react if your best friend lies to you?

What do you like most about yourself?

What word do you associate with the picture above?

Your Fatal Flaw Is Your Pride

Your Fatal Flaw Is Your Pride

Your fatal flaw is your pride. You have a very loving, caring soul but at times your pride and self-confidence can influence your behavior. You have reason to be confident, but you may find yourself getting slightly over confident at times. Your pride may restrict you from saying things you really want to say, or doing things that you may perceive as being below you. Nevertheless, when you let those pride-walls fall, you're full of love and affection.

Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Your Fatal Flaw Is Gluttony

Your Fatal Flaw Is Gluttony

Your fatal flaw is gluttony. If you love something, you REALLY love it and that may mean that you often find yourself over-indulging. Less is never more for you, and you could always benefit from more of anything good that comes your way. You dream big and the word "excessive" does not exist in your vocabulary.

Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Your Fatal Flaw Is Envy

Your Fatal Flaw Is Envy

Your fatal flaw is envy. You are a very driven, determined person who may often feel competitive with others. You are a loving, caring person that wishes well upon others but tend to get jealous if someone else gets something that you wanted.

Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Your Fatal Flaw Is Wrath

Your Fatal Flaw Is Wrath

Anger is your biggest enemy. You may have a bad temper or are easily annoyed by people or actions around you. However, your wrath stems from the degree to which you care. You are a deeply attached, affectionate individual who might find it hard to remain calm and unaffected.

Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021