Can You Name Every Single Mutant From The X-Men Franchise?

DARK PHOENIX is closing the franchise after almost twenty years - How many classic X-Men characters can you name? We'll be shocked if you can even name 15! It gets a lot harder once you get past Wolverine, Magneto, and Mystique.

Jack ONeil
Created by Jack ONeil
On Jul 15, 2019
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Can You Name Every Single Mutant From The X-Men Franchise?

1 / 48

Okay, we have to start off easy - What's Professor X's full name?

2 / 48

Yep, this totally happened, remember? Who's... this?

3 / 48

What about Magneto's true name?

4 / 48

And Phoenix?

5 / 48

Who's this?

6 / 48

Who's behind Deadpool?

7 / 48

And this is?

8 / 48

Okay, okay, a tiny bit harder now. What's Mystique's "real" name?

9 / 48

What's Storm's true name?

10 / 48

And Cyclops'?

11 / 48

What about Cyclops' brother? What's his codename?

12 / 48

And here we have Beast, a.k.a:

13 / 48

BAH! Or should we say BAMF... Remember this face?

14 / 48

Switching from blue to red - who's this?

15 / 48

Whaddabot this uber-douche?

16 / 48

And who's this?

17 / 48

Who's this?

18 / 48

And this, unfortunately, was:

19 / 48

Who's this?

20 / 48

Oh yeah? Well, what's this guy's real name?

21 / 48

Aaaand this rando from Magneto's brotherhood?

22 / 48

Who's this grumpy old man?

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What about this would-be-world-ender?

24 / 48

And here... ahem... we have:

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Remember Wolverine's REAL real name? (Hint: it isn't Logan...)

27 / 48

This little badass' codename is:

28 / 48

90s kids all know this one:

29 / 48

Say hello to:

30 / 48

Who's this?

31 / 48

Who could forget:

32 / 48

Who's this (and why... WHY is that his costume)?

33 / 48

And this?

34 / 48

This is:

35 / 48

THIS is:

36 / 48

THROWBACK! Who's this?

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And his little friend?

38 / 48

And this First Class'er is?

39 / 48

Still going? Wow - we're impressed! Who's this?

40 / 48

Who's this?

41 / 48

Who's this prick (get it, GET IT?)?

42 / 48

Another First Class'er here... who is he?

43 / 48

And this is?

44 / 48

Here we have:

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You're in the home stretch! Who's this lovable weirdo?

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Who's this charmer?

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BONUS: Who is this adorable X-Woman?

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BONUS: And lastly - if you can remember her, you get MAJOR brownie points:

Questions left
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