What Are The Uses of IP Tracker on Your Website?

IP Logger
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What Are The Uses of IP Tracker on Your Website?

IP address tracking has been an integral need of today’s net and tech savvy world. If you run a business, it is a handy thing to have on your website. Want to know why? Scroll down to know!
With the help of having IP tracker on your website, you can come to know about the visitors’ IP and once you know about it, you can have a good idea how the particulars visitors behave on your website and gather the needed information about them. Having their IP address can significantly influence your advertising campaign which will ultimately benefit the bottom line of your business.

How to track the IP address of website users?
People these days use several kinds of analytics software to track the IPs but many of them don’t actually track the IPs. In fact, dashboards like Google Analytics forbid IP tracking. They want you to have as little information about your website users as it can be.
Of course, privacy of website users is important and IP tracking does not aim to breach their privacy level. Their information is completely secure with the website and also the amount of information that is gathered through IP tracking is very limited. For example - with the help of IP tracking, the personal/home address of the users can’t be revealed.

So, what information can be reveled through IP tracker or what will an analytics tool tell you?
·        The number of users who visit your website.
·        How they got there -- for instance - through a paid ad, from referring traffic, finding you organically, through an affiliate program, etc.
·        How many pages they are viewing per visit.
·        How long your visitors stay on your site once they get there.
·        How many page views your site has overall.
·        The Bounce Rate, which represents the how many visitors bounce off your site just after viewing only one page.
·        Where your visitors are located?
·        Whether or not they have completed an actionable item -- for example - filling out a form, newsletter signups, downloading a webinar, completing a transaction etc.
·        What percentage of visitors have already surfed your site and how many are the first time users?

The above list essentially covers all the basic information that typical IP tracking software provides. However, the accuracy of all of these metrics significantly depends on how accurately the site has been coded and with the correct parameters. In simple words, bad coding = bad data.

If you are not already using IP tracker on your website, you are definitely behind the curve. Don’t let that defer you from getting ahead in the competition and on the right track too.

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