Latest Frameworks of Java
Latest Frameworks of Java

Latest Frameworks of Java
Java is everywhere in the world and uses by many developers due to its properties such as -
1 Freely available
2 Reusable codes
3 Stack Object Allocation
4 Platform Independent
5 Highly Secure
Java has much more to offer then you can think of. The same goes for the Frameworks of Java. In this article, we are going to tell you about the latest Frameworks of Java, such as - Spring, JSF, GWT, and more. Frameworks are selected based on the type of project. Thus, it is important for companies and developers to see each and every detail and requirements of the project along with its future need.
These frameworks are taught in various institutions. But advanced java courses in Mumbai can easily get you a chance to learn the latest framework of Java.
Here we got a list of top latest Java frameworks.
1. Spring Framework - Spring framework has simple configurations. It is a modular framework with simple components. Also, it enables you to develop Java application at the level of enterprise-level easily.
Spring has amazing compatibility with other popular frameworks making it favorite of all Java developers. It also uses inversion of control design principle. This helps developers to focus a module. Its number of modules helps in achieving different functionalities in its application. Some of the examples are - Spring core (Base module), Spring AOP (for cross-context logic), Spring Transaction (For transaction support), Spring MVC (Web aspect), and more.
2. Struts - Strut is a full-featured Java Web Application Framework. It allows the developers to create various easy to use Java applications at the enterprise level. The most important feature of Strut is that it5s plugins are a JAR package which means they are portable and can be added in the class path of an app. For dependency injection and object-relational mapping, you can use the hibernate plugin along with the Spring plugin.
3. Grails - It is a dynamic framework, and can work with various Java technologies, such as Java EE containers, Spring, SiteMesh, Quartz, and Hibernate. It is an open-source framework and does not need to configure XML.