Pretty Little Liars Ultimate Trivia Quiz

Do you think you are the ultimate PLL fan? Take this ultimate 42 question quiz to find out if you truly are! (TV series questions)

Hope Lafrance
Created by Hope Lafrance (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 42

Who is -A?

2 / 42

Which hair product has been featured in the series?

3 / 42

How old was Sasha Pieterse in 1x01?

4 / 42

Aria has cheated on every boyfriend she's had.

5 / 42

Where did Aria and Ezra meet?

6 / 42

Who parents have the best relationship?

7 / 42

Toby was Spencer's first "serious" relationship?

8 / 42

Who is Redcoat?

9 / 42

What episode did we find out Ali was alive?

10 / 42

Who is blackveil?

11 / 42

In 3x23, what was the pilot's code name?

12 / 42

What's Cece Drake's real name?

13 / 42

Who got the first -A text "in the first episode"?

14 / 42

What do the girls text to signal the other Liars for "help"?

15 / 42

Why was Hanna fat?

16 / 42

Who was the student Aria's dad was having an affair with's name?

17 / 42

What was Mona given in the dollhouse?

18 / 42

What's Mona's favorite holiday?

19 / 42

Hanna is very close to her dad.

20 / 42

Who was been harassed by -A the least?

21 / 42

Spencer is a vegetarian

22 / 42

How long was Sara Harvey in the dollhouse? (supposedly)

23 / 42

Who said the quote, "My goosebumps are getting goosebumps."?

24 / 42

Who said the quote, "You bitches underestimated me."

25 / 42

Dilaurentis stands for...

26 / 42

Who was Emily's first girl love interest?

27 / 42

In the episode, "She's better now" Mona is sent to Radley.

28 / 42

Who was Hanna's boyfriend in the first episode?

29 / 42

Who is the only couple who's not betrayed their S.O.?

30 / 42

What was Hanna's imaginary friend's name?

31 / 42

Who has joined the -A team? (that we know of)

32 / 42

What is Sara Harvey obsessed with doing?

33 / 42

Which season finale did we find out Mona was -A?

34 / 42

Who is the first Liar to be seen drunk?

35 / 42

Where did Aria go for vacation with her family after Ali disappeared?

36 / 42

Who has the MOST secrets?

37 / 42

When was it when Alison disappeared?

38 / 42

When is Spoby's anniversary?

39 / 42

Who is Aria closest to?

40 / 42

Who was first to be visited by Alison while she was "dead"?

41 / 42

How many messages has Hanna received (personally)?

42 / 42

Who has been targeted the most my -A?

Questions left
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