How Well Do You Really Remember The 'Glee' Pilot Episode?

Six seasons ago they told you not to stop believin'. Gleek out and put your trivia skills to the test!
Created by
On Nov 25, 2015
1 / 10

Where does Will Schuester's wife, Terri, work?

2 / 10

Why do Quinn and The Cheerios make fun of Rachel Berry?

3 / 10

After getting fired as glee club coach, Sandy Ryerson becomes:

4 / 10

Which of the following students are NOT part of the glee club during the pilot episode.

5 / 10

What is Sue Sylvester's first insult (and the opening line of the show)?

6 / 10

What song does Kurt sing for his glee club audition?

7 / 10

After getting into glee club, Rachel tells Finn that they are an inevitable couple. He is the "hot male lead" and she is the...

8 / 10

Which of the following songs is NOT featured in the pilot episode?

9 / 10

Where does Coach Ken Tanaka want to take Emma on a date?

10 / 10

During Finn Hudson's flashback, we learn that his mom's boyfriend was cheating on her with a babe from Pick N' Save. What was Mrs. Hudson's reaction?

Questions left
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