How Much Of A Holiday Grinch Are You?

The holidays are here! Are you jumping for joy or hating every minute of it?
Created by
On Dec 6, 2016

When you hear Christmas music in October you...

You do your Christmas shopping...

What do you dread about the holidays?

How do holiday decorations make you feel?

What holiday movie is your favorite?

Who do you buy presents for?

Where do you celebrate the holidays?

What do you do when the holidays are over?

What is the best gift someone could give you?

Joyful Grinch

Joyful Grinch

There's pretty much nothing that can tarnish your holiday spirit and you're always the one to melt an ice cold heart.

A Little Grinchy

A Little Grinchy

You have moments when you wish the holidays didn't exist, but overall you keep a smile on your face.

Total Grinch

Total Grinch

Bah Hum Bug! is your favorite thing to say this time of year. Instead of red and gold, you wear gray and black. It's pretty clear you despise the holidays!

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On Nov 18, 2021