Which Greaser is your soulmate

Which Greaser would be your soulmate

Helen Nudell
Created by Helen Nudell (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 17, 2016

What Would You Rather Be Doing

Would You Ever Steal

Who Is Your Favorite Greaser

What Is Your Reaction To Johnny's and Dally's Death

Have You Even Watched The Movie And Read The Book

Which is your favorite Soc girl

What Is Your Favorite Item From The Outsiders

Would You Save The Kids In The Church

Would You Turn Yourself If You Murdered Someone

Do You Like School



Your soul mate is Darry! You are the oldest and you are very strong and even though you are tough you still really love your family which makes you and Dally the perfect couple



Your soul mate is Two-Bit! You are really funny and make serious thing into hilarious things and you are a good friend and person to have around and even though you are sad you usually don't show it and You also love Mickey Mouse which makes you and Two-Bit the perfect couple.



Your soul mate is Dally! Along with Dally you have had a hard life and you are wild. You get into trouble but you also protect others from getting into trouble which makes you and Dally the perfect couple.



Your soul mate is Steve! You are strong and are rough lie Steve. You love the group and make bets with friends which makes Steve your perfect soul mate.



Your soul mate is Sodapop! You are very bubbly and are always happy even though you don't drink. You are very pretty which makes you and Sodapop soul mates.



Your soul mate is Johnny! You and Johnny have had a hard life and you are scared of a lot but you can also be in charge. Johnny keeps the gang together just like you which makes you two soul mates.



You got Ponyboy! You and Ponyboy are very smart and good runners. Ponyboy is a dreamer and wishes for a better world and doesn't judge which makes you two soul mates.

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