What Matched Character Are You?

Matched by Ally Condie is a YA trilogy. Take this quiz to find out what character you are most like.

Created by Gwen (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 25, 2018
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Do you follow the rules?

What colour are your eyes?

What is your favourite word out of the following?

If you had a choice, what would you want your name to mean?

What would you do if someone you loved betrayed you?

Which one are you?

What colour is your hair?

Cassia Reyes

Cassia Reyes

Brave, clever, and willing to break the rules for love, you are strong. You are fiery, naive, protective, and a fantastic sister to your little brother Bram.

Ky Markham

Ky Markham

You are saddened and burdened by what you have discovered, but when you find love you hold onto it fiercely. You can be a bit mysterious and even frightening, but you are really a good person. You are intelligent and reserved.

Xander Carrow

Xander Carrow

Sweet, generous, and self-sacrificing, you are an incredibly nice, loyal, friendly, and popular person. You are jealous of those you love but eventually realize that you just have to let go sometimes. You hide your true identity as a rebel under the mask of loyalty.



You are fierce, brave, and stubborn. You are a survivor, and you'll do anything for what you believe in.

Bram Reyes

Bram Reyes

You are excited, unorganized, and defiant, always ready for action. You are often late but everyone loves your naturally outgoing and eager nature.



You are a bit nervous but trust others to help and support you. You are friendly but follow the rules almost too much, never doubting what you grew up as.

What Matched Character Are You?

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