What Kind Of Kid Were You?
What Kind Of Kid Were You?
What kind of kid were you really? Take the quiz to find out!
What kind of kid were you really? Take the quiz to find out!

In school your favorite subject was...
Your favorite activity was...
What Was Your Favorite Game?
How Well Did You Get Along With Your Siblings?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Pick Your Favorite Movie
Where was your favorite place to go?
The Day Dreamer
The Day Dreamer
You were a Day Dreamer! Chances are, you probably are still a day dreamer! As a child you really enjoyed reading, and you and most likely have an artsy side! You knew how to entertain yourself by using your imagination, and often impressed adults with your creativity!
A Troublemaker
A Troublemaker
You were a Troublemaker! You were not a fan of school and did not get along well with others! You had a bit of a wild side, and could not sit still. This was probably just because you had an abundance of energy, and maybe you were just a bit misunderstood. Today, you are the kind of person to challenge ideas and you are very independent! Hopefully you are not making anymore trouble...
All Around Great Kid
All Around Great Kid
You were just an all around great kid! Whether you had siblings or you were an only child, you always helped others, and adults always praised you for how well behaved you were! You were always kind to others and you still probably have a very good heart!
A Spoiled Brat
A Spoiled Brat
You were a Spoiled Brat! You always had to get your way, and you most likely tattled on other kids even though you were doing the same thing! If you wanted something you knew how to get it! Hopefully you've outgrown this!
The Over Achiever
The Over Achiever
You were an Over Achiever! Whether it was sports, academics, music, or something else, you were doing it all, and you made sure you were great at it! You were a very good student in school, and you were the kid that was always raising your hand! You probably grew up very successful, and if you plan on having kids or have them already, you hope they are just like you!
The Competitor
The Competitor
You were the competitor! Whether it was sports, music, academics, or even games at recess, you were always competing! You love healthy competition with the other kids, and you were pretty hard on yourself if you lost. You are a hard worker and you are determined to make your dreams come true!