Five Faves: Which Cruise Style Is Right For YOU?

Our cruise scientists have been at it again, delving deep into the research data to help our readers enjoy the best possible vacation. Using the latest polls and personality profiles, the Porthole panel has isolated five distinct types of cruisers - the people who are literally born to take certain kinds of cruises.

Which cruise is perfect for you? Take our quiz to find out!

Grant Balfour
Created by Grant Balfour (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Aug 26, 2015

Could you have correctly guessed the port in our June Sailaway video?

Oh, man! You left your sunglasses behind somewhere!


What a pretty flower!

It should be...

Which of the following is absolutely, positively NEVER "dinner":

Knock, knock!

Fresh seafood is delectable.
But in some places, they serve the fish whole...

My dream destination is:

What best describes the shoes you're wearing?

When I was 10 years old, my favorite part of school was...

The captain I want on MY ship is...

Small Ship

Small Ship

Presenting a boutique experience, with luxurious personal touches, today's small-ship lines keep the focus on ports of call - especially destinations less-visited by larger ships, like Visby, Sweden; Jost Van Dyke, BVI; and up the Thames to London.

River cruises, steadily rising in popularity, are one kind of small-ship cruise that shows off what makes this experience ideal for a certain kind of cruiser.

Overnight stays in port are becoming more common, giving the small-ship cruiser a taste of nightlife around the world. Even the cuisine on board often focuses on local ingredients obtained earlier that day in town.



There's a new adventure right around the next corner. All you have to do is reach it.

Expedition cruises range from the luxurious - "glamping" on the Amazon with wine stewards and crates of bubbly - to the rugged - sailing through the Northwest Passage with climatologists and wildlife photographers.

Some of the world's most isolated spots are also the most beautiful, and expedition cruise lines take you there.

Tall Ship

Tall Ship

The wind in the sails, the creak of the rigging - THIS is travel at sea!

Tall ship cruises are not for everyone, nor are they meant to be. But for those happy few who dream of spray in their faces, traveling to the tiniest islands in the Caribbean, South Pacific, or the Med - sighting land just the way Captain Cook (or Captain Jack Sparrow) did - this is a getaway that can't be beat.

Some tall ship lines are more luxurious (with lounges and lecturers) while others are a little more hands-on (you want to help raise the sails? we could sure use a hand!). They're all united by a love of the wind, the sea, and the not-yet-bygone beauty of the Age of Sail.



Fun-seekers ... hard partiers ... vacationers without borders ... here's a ship with everything: the megaship.

This is big fun for someone who wants it all in one package. Whether you're into water slides or Broadway shows, movies or putting greens, jogging or sky diving, we do mean EVERYTHING is on board these floating city-sized resorts.

If you've ever heard the expression, "The ship is the destination," and thought, "Me for that!" then this is your cruise. Now go out there and have some fun.



To travel is the thing. Where, how... that's almost beside the point.

If you'd like to really get to know a region (or the world) without actually going so far as to join the merchant marine, then there are shipping lines ready to take you.

Modern freighters aren't spartan by any means - you've got libraries, good meals, and spacious accommodations. Not necessarily a swimming pool or lido deck, but crews are generally friendly and outgoing - they're travelers too, after all!

Some lines even offer guests the chance to disembark in a port, spend a week or more there, then catch a ride on their next ship.

Just be prepared for plenty of sea days, too!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021