Burger King Offers Up New 'Adult Meal' With Included Sex Toy

Burger King offers up an "Adult Meal" complete with sex toy, because why the hell not.

Gambit Magazine
Created by Gambit Magazine (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 1, 2019
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Sex Sells (Burgers)

Fast food isn't generally linked with sexy. Sure, a number of food food companies use sex to sell their meat patties -- most notably Carl's Jr -- but these are usually just silly commercials from ad agencies stuck in the early 90s. There have been other less notable tries with the sexy Hamburglar that McDonald's tried, but none of these ventures ever really caught on. Let's face it people; eating fast food is the least sexy thing to do and for you.

But now it looks like Burger King is taking a bold new approach and offering up a new Adult Meal because why not graduate the little one from a Kid's Meal and into the more risqué adult one. To be clear this isn't anything more than a huge publicity stunt by the company and not every single Burger King is offering up the so-called Adult Meal, but as if these little bugger's take off you can bet to see more of them.

50 Shades of King

What is strange is that the promotion ran on Valentine's Day, but not in any place you may have thought. We would have guessed Las Vegas or even some major city where it could be taken as a silly joke, but the Adult Meal was on sale in Israel. A fine enough country but not one we would picture when thinking about kinky stuff. The Adult Meal came with an "age appropriate" toy inside the box and was offered up only after 6pm.

The Adult Meal is specially designed for two and comes with two Whoppers, -- the sexiest of burgers -- two order of fries and two beers. We don't know about you all, but beer is the most romantic of beverages. This 18+ dinner also comes with an included sex toy for use in the bedroom after that fast food sickness wears off. No word on the actual toy people got, but the official video for the Adult Meal drops a few hints. Just make sure to wash that paddle as it's probably covered in secret sauce. You can check out the video for yourself below: 

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