What Is Your Spirit Animal?

Sometimes our soul manifests itself as an animal, or more accurately a creature. Find out what your "spirit animal" is through this quiz. [There was meant to be a 'tiger' option, but I ran out of results, so some of you 'sheep', might be tigers.]

Created by Revolutionary (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your favorite color? (Red includes Magenta, Purple includes Indigo etc.)

What is you favorite genre of music?

What is your sun sign? (zodiac sign)

Favorite school subject?

Which of these is most important to you?

Favorite season?

Are you a dog or cat person?

If you could only have one power out of the following, which would it be?

What form of Government do you think is best?

Outdoors or indoors?

Which of these do you find yourself doing the most? (In your downtime)

How are you with punctuality?

Dragon (Western)

Dragon (Western)

You are a Dragon. You have an overwhelmingly powerful and/or intimidating presence, which people submit to, either out of respect or fear. You revel in all your success's and aren't afraid to brag, sometimes a bit too much. You very much appreciate compliments and flattery. You are very dignified and your reputation comes above all else, which often times includes your wealth and material possession. Though do not be mistaken you would throw both of these things away if your reputation was at stake. You have the air of a leader, be it a king or a dictator. You think very highly of yourself and justly so, however others may see you as conceited, but only the few that don't kneel before you.

Dragon (Eastern)

Dragon (Eastern)

Wise beyond your years, people may find you standoffish. However in truth you are merely above them in your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Though being humble, and having learnt humility these thoughts rarely cross your mind, as true as they may be. You have or are on the path to enlightenment, thought this may result in you feeling somewhat lonely. There are very few people who can entice you with a conversation, and you have no interest in the lesser beings you are surrounded by. Those who get to know you will appreciate your wisdom, and confide in you seeing as you are so trustworthy. Though this does nothing for you. You occasionally enjoy a game of Go or chess. The one thing you do find fascinating is children, their youth and zest for life amazes you. You have trouble grasping concepts like ambition, and their need for materialistic things. After all in the end, when everyone is dead, it will have been for naught.



You are most well known for your fiery passion, and ability to stand strong in the face of great adversity. No matter how many times you are knocked down, you will get back up, that is what it means to be a Phoenix. However, a fire can be both frightening and beautiful. You are capable of burning down everyone in your way, or providing them with light, hope. You are very compassionate, but tend to have a short-fuse. You can switch between an ember and a blazing hellscape in a matter of seconds, this intensity can be off-putting to people, often being labeled bipolar. Change is a major part of who you are, you as a being are always changing, evolving, and thus your environment is ever-changing as well, you're not one for "long-term" ordeals.



Honorable, is a word that perfectly describes the lion-turtle. You put your morals and values above anything else, and for this reason are respected by many people. What those values are, are completely up to you. You are very generous and sympathetic, though not empathetic, don't get the two mixed up. You never feel pity for someone who pities themselves. You don't ask too much of others, however other's often-times rely on you. Although irritating, being as dependable as you are, you rarely let them down. Not only do you not ask anything in return, you outright refuse being rewarded. Along with this sense of morality and honor comes a sense of dignity, and pride. This can often times lead to you being seen as hard-headed and stubborn.



The Leviathan; Graceful, Majestic . . . Terrifying. You have the composure of an upperclassmen but not the snobbish, uptight personality that comes with it. Your heart is large and charitable, but very delicate. A word to best describe you would be, nurturing. You love people, all people, regardless of who they are and what they've done. This blind faith can be your downfall for you are easily deceived (though few have the heart to do such a thing), when you are however you hold a grudge, and boy do you know how to hold a grudge. Passive aggressive is your specialty. From a distance you can feel cold and intimidating, but as soon as someone gets to know you, they will never have been more comfortable.

Dragon (Ascended)

Dragon (Ascended)

The ascended dragon rarely manifests itself, it is a rare and complex being. (The picture is only a rough depiction of what it would look like, it is often portrayed as more serpent-like). Ambitious to a fault, but without the drive to back it up. You wish to have all the world can offer, yet you do not want to work a day in your life. You are the embodiment of the seven deadly sins (Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Envy, Sloth) but it is in this amalgamation of sin that we find the purest being of them all. You are extremely greedy, wanting all that exists, wealth, fame, power, however this is not necessarily bad, while some may call it greed, others call it ambition, for what you do with these things is not necessarily sinister. You love food, eating is an addiction, yet your palette is very small, this can be quite the burden on whoever is preparing the food. But, let's be honest . . . Who doesn't like food? Although you enjoy eating, for you it is merely a hobby, for you do not need to eat (very much at least), you just want to. It is a curse and a blessing. Lust, another burden you must bear, for you cannot resist the beckoning of a pretty lady (or handsome man), but as lustful as you are, you are in equal terms a hopeless romantic, you believe that the first woman/man that you kiss should be the last, this leads to some trust issues, and if that first person does end up breaking that trust, you will be left completely broken, for though they may no longer be loyal, you still are, and will make sure that you never engage another man/woman again, for even if you have to die alone, the first person you kiss will be the last (although this is not the only definition of lust, lust is in general "great desire" for anything, and this is where your ambition comes into play, however it is not a greedy desire but a romantic [the extravagant adventuress romance, not the one talked about prior] desire). Pride in itself isn't a bad thing to begin with, not for you at least, you take pride in your pride. For you believe it is the trait of an honorable and chivalrous being, and you value honor and chivalry above all else (or at least you want to). You romanticize warriors, such as samurai, and hope to one day be one yourself. Your heads filled with great ambition, above the clouds- but your feet bolted to the ground. For as much as you want to be a model human-being, you must deal with the fact that you were born as corrupt as the rest, and this aggravates you. You truly and sincerely want to be honest, but you're a pathological liar. You believe strongly that a woman should never be hit, and are against violence in general, yet you have a short-fuse, and violent tendencies, sometimes even a blood-lust. As much as you try to escape, again and again you are faced with the reality that you are just like everyone else, more-so even being the embodiment of sin. You are frustrated when you are unable to do something, or perform to a certain level, you expectations are high, for when playing darts, you aim for nothing but the bulls-eye. Yet time and time again you fail to meet expectations, all this due to your Pride. As mentioned earlier, you are short-tempered and destructive, which leads us to the sin of Wrath, there is not much to say for this is a completely one-sided coin. Envy falls along the lines of greed and the latter of lust, you have insatiable desire, but this trait also shows that you hold yourself in very high-regard (Pride), for you feel you deserve more than anyone else, because you are better than anyone else (and you may not be wrong), yet you are proven wrong by your poor performance and thus this angers you to no end (Wrath), however on a side note, you are rarely wrong and a very good judge of character. Finally, sloth, which can be defined as laziness, but is also a failure to act in general. For as much greed, lust, and envy as you have if you do not act upon this ambition then it as all for naught, and it is not only a fear of failure that stops you (though that is definitely part of it [Pride]), it is also sheer laziness, and this is something that can only be overcome by willpower (which you have an excess of), though you are too lazy to use this will-power as well. What I have just described is NOT the ascended dragon, it is the exiled dragon. For you must fall before you can rise. Another strong trait you have is actually a multiple-personality disorder, you are introverted quiet and reserved, yet at the same time charismatic with strong leader-like qualities, who wants to take charge. You can be very cold and selfish, but are also sympathetic to a fault. This can be seen in any argument, where you absolutely adore playing devil's advocate (a fitting title, if you ask me), you'll take the losing/unpopular side regardless of your own opinions about the topic, for you can easily change your own opinions through sheer strength of mind. But make no mistake, you are the only one who can change your opinions, making you a good mediator and very impartial. However in reverse, any opinion you have, you hold onto it firmly, you can be stubborn and hard-headed, because usually, your opinion is the correct opinion, and you value correctness, rightness- truth and justice above all else. (which is something that conflicts with your sympathetic nature, because justice may not always involve mercy) However once you overcome all your faults (because it can be done), you will awaken the true ascended dragon, slumbering within you. Opposite to the seven sins, there are seven virtues; Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility. Most of these will come easy, but it is not until you have all these traits that you will achieve your prime. Chastity is something you most likely already abide by, though you have unrelenting lust, that does not drive you, nor does it affect your actions. Temperance is something you strive for, and through will-power have most likely already achieved to some extent, though occasionally you may lose control. Charity comes naturally to you for you are a sympathizer, and is not necessarily the opposite of greed, therefore it does not negate the sin. Diligence will be your greatest hurdle, for there is no easy way to achieve it, it is a mindset, and it will take a lot of strength of mind, and will to achieve, once achieved however everything else will come easy, and the world will have birthed a truly great being. Patience is something you have no lack of, it is not quite the opposite of wrath, but more patience will not hurt. Kindness is something you have always had, therefore not an issue, you are a sympathizer (as mentioned quite a bit) and are very empathetic, you can lose your temper but you get over it quickly, (you get over a lot of things quickly, it can actually be an issue, though in contrast you are very sentimental) you could never hold a grudge, though sometimes you wish you could. And lastly humility, you are humble when need-be, and when need-be you are as modest as they come. (Though you enjoy bragging very much, you know the where and when it is okay to do), all-in-all, you are very bipolar. Sometimes you are akin to the devil himself, and at others a righteous god, you have countless flaw, yet countless strengths, and only when you overcome those flaws will you truly be an ascended dragon. You as a person represent the human race, from the good to the bad.



You are a sheep, not as in your spirit animal is a sheep. But as in you don't have one. (get ready for some brutality, remember it's just an internet quiz) You are most likely a conformist, who follows everyone else, with no signs of uniqueness or originality. You are lost vulnerable and fragile without your Shepard. You will most likely end-up working a white or blue collar job, live a normal life, and die a normal death. The only people to remember you will be your acquaintances, but they too are not immortal, so your legacy won't last long. However, this doesn't bother you, for you find bliss in ignorance and do not care to see the bigger picture. Ambition? What's that? For you a big goal is getting into a good university. You have no plans to change the world, for it is the world and environment you surround yourself with, that shapes you. Your life is as insignificant as everyone else's, because in the end we're all going to die.



If you got to this result through honest answering, I'd be very concerned. I have nothing good to say about this result, you are a bloodthirsty cannibal, you feed on the naivete of sheep (another result), manipulating and abusing them. You are corrupt through and through, you listen to no one and despise authority. (your preferred governmental system would be anarchy) Your motto is "survival of the fittest." You have no qualms with hurting, or killing others, because if they do die, they were too weak to live in the first place. Sympathy and empathy is unheard of, you have no concern with anyone else and expect them to deal with their own problems. Technically a wolf is a pack animal, but you are more of the "lone-wolf" type. These traits have you end up in a bit of a predicament, for you have no real goals or ambitions, so many wolves end up psychotic. Those who are able to keep their psyche in check, usually end up as criminals (since they have no interest in working, but still need money), or drifters with no real destination. Your existence is a sad one, and usually a short one. Wolves are uncommon and for good reason.

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On Nov 18, 2021