Only 15% of Americans Can Guess The #1 Answers Of These Family Feud Questions

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Created by FutureTVWriter
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 16

Out of 10 blind dates, how many are winners?

2 / 16

Name a food item you buy the most of during the month?

3 / 16

Name something people like to wear till it falls apart.

4 / 16

Name something you'll find in a ski lodge.

5 / 16

Name something a parent takes away as a punishment?

6 / 16

Name a kind of place where people keep checking their watch?

7 / 16

Name a noisy insect.

8 / 16

Name something a person's belly does.

9 / 16

How many years does the average wife outlive the average husband?

10 / 16

Name an occupation where feet are more important than hands.

11 / 16

Name a fruit smaller than a peach.

12 / 16

Give us a word that rhymes with dizzy.

13 / 16

Name a way people get around in New York City.

14 / 16

Which state do you think has the best looking men?

15 / 16

Name something people lick.

16 / 16

How tall is an elf?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021