Who Would You Be On The Jerry Springer Show?
Who Would You Be On The Jerry Springer Show?
In the 25 years, the talk show has seen many an interesting face and tale
In the 25 years, the talk show has seen many an interesting face and tale

You're Jerry!
You're Jerry!
You love drama - but you want nothing to do with it. You may find yourself "accidentally" instigating things but you tend to stand off to the side and observe with a combination of horror and amusement on your face. As long as you're able to stay out of the fight, you're just happy to be there. And you've clearly got staying power - you're a solid figure who's been around for a while.
You're The Spurned Lover!
You're The Spurned Lover!
Oh NO they didn't! You are TIRED of being on the wrong side of things. Someone did you wrong and you'll be damned if the world doesn't know about it. You're not sure how you'll go about it just yet but oh no, this is so not over. A grudge is a terrible thing to waste, and the best way to display said grudge is to shout at an ex-paramour on daytime television.
You're The Angry Questioner!
You're The Angry Questioner!
You have a question and it has to be answered! There is no end to what you need to know since you're in one sticky situation. Good luck getting answers. Surely Jerry will be able to help you out. However, remember sometimes you end up getting answers you never wanted to know about. Tread carefully....secrets tend to come out in a very unusual way on this show.
You're The Secret Keeper!
You're The Secret Keeper!
You know something no one else knows! It could be very entertaining to keep this secret all to yourself rather than share it with the world but you've taken it upon yourself to come clean. You can't quite decide if the fight that will probably ensue from your statement being brought to light is worth it or not...but oh well! Guess you'll find out one way or another...
You're The Fighter!
You're The Fighter!
You're here for one reason and one reason only. You wanna punch someone. Or kick them. Or bite them. You're not picky. Either way, you are determined to take everything and everyone on. You want to fight. Maybe something is happening you don't like or you just have a chip on your shoulder but you are sure as hell wanting to take that out on anyone you can.
You're An Audience Member
You're An Audience Member
Drama is THE BEST. You don't have anything big enough to share on the show by any means but ooooh do you enjoy other people's trials, woes and fights. Reality TV is your jam and you want nothing more than a front row seat as someone discovers who their baby daddy really is or what horrible secret their mother is hiding from them. Enjoy, clap along but make sure you're nowhere near where the punches are being thrown.