Which Chess Piece Are You In Real Life?

You don’t need to be a grandmaster for us to be able to decode your personality simply by the way you play.

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Mar 23, 2022
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Are you a true king, or maybe your style is more suited to the bishop? Take our quiz to see how secret facets of your personality can come alive in every move you make because, hey, we’re watching you!

>> Which Character From The Queen's Gambit are You Most Similar To?

You’ve gone for an interview and the interviewer is being snarky and rude. You…

You are sitting in a coffee shop with friends, deciding where to go on a holiday…

Your team is down on the scoreboard, you…

You are running late for a meeting and are stuck in traffic…

You’re on a date with the hottest girl/guy you’ve ever seen, but you don’t seem to be clicking…

Appraisal time is here and you will…

Your friend has two movie tickets but there are three of you. You want one of the tickets, so you….

Your best friend wants you to help them commit a crime. You would…

It’s your turn to do the household chores. You would…

If you were kidnapped, you would…



For you, it’s all about delegating. You know your authority and you’re not afraid to use it when needed. However, in the game of life, you need to ensure that you don’t get too complacent and take your regal status for granted.



You’re the consummate do-it-all and do-it-yourself. No one doubts your capabilities, but in the process, make sure you aren’t taken for granted.



You know the art of multitasking and would rather follow than lead. Loyalty is your strong suit as are your outgoing social skills. Play up your strengths, and you will go far.



Ahh, you’re the dark horse. People tend to underestimate your skills and talents. But you can be regarded as not being a team player, so make sure that while you have the skills to complete anything you take on, also work on collaborating with others.



You’re the go-to guy to get the job done but you need to be set on the right path. However, life is best followed in linear mode for you and you don’t like too many surprises. 



You tend to find safety in numbers, are self-sacrificing and tend to be overly cautious. You have far more power than you think, but you need to learn how to channel it properly. 

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You’ve gone for an interview and the interviewer is being snarky and rude. You…

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