How To: Build a Meditation Routine You ACTUALLY Stick To In 2023

Trust us - it CAN be that easy with these hacks.

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Jan 11, 2023
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We’ve all been there – the start of a new year seems full of promise, and with all the knowledge we have about how meditating can change things around for us, we are determined to build a meditation plan we stick to religiously. But sometimes, after the first month of the year, our interest starts to wane, and we find ourselves with less and less time to keep up with this routine.

If this is something you can identify with, stick around because we are going to tell you exactly how to make huge changes with a meditation routine, you will stick to for the whole year. It’s not hard; it just needs a strong commitment. These tips will help.


Do your homework


List down your specific reason


Make it fun


Track your progress


Call a friend


Be gentle with yourself

When it comes to meditating….

Calculating results
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