Which Star Wars Planet Should You Live On?

What if you were piloting an X Wing over the Death Star or fighting storm troopers on a distant desert world such as tatooine or completing an espionage mission on the jungle world of Yavin.

Kemosabe Trilobite
Created by Kemosabe Trilobite (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 12, 2016

Choose a Star Wars Alien.

If you were fighting Storm-troopers or rebel soldiers, which of these blasters would you use?

Okay! Now you have used your blaster against the enemy, but an imperial AT-ST walker has just appeared. Which of these heavy artillery items do you use?

Ok. That did not take the AT-AT. We will need to bring in the big guns this time!

The battle is now raging over the planet! Choose a Rebel Starfighter or space ship and defeat the Imperials!

Choose a beverage.

We have found a planet and built a new base. Your job is to crunch vital numbers and scan for enemy units. Which environment will you work best in?

An enemy probe droid has found your base, what is the first thing you do?

Several Imperial Star Destroyers have jumped out of hyperspace and into orbit. They are about to land enemy units on the planet. What do you do?

Now, several enemy AT-ST and AT-AT walkers have just appeared. What environment will you fend them off, most efficiently in

Rebel soldiers are being killed and most of your heavy artillery has been destroyed, what do you do?

Okay, the Imperials have basically won. Where do you hide?

Several Imperial troopers have seeked out your location, but you have defeated them. However a villain has been alerted to your presence. Which villain do you think you can defeat.

Okay...Sorry...But your gonna die! Nothing anyone can do. Your alone, scared, and you are going to get killed no matter what. What are you last actions going to be?

Okay, somehow miracously you did not get killed. You don't know how, but what is important is escaping the base and getting off the planet. What do you first.

Choose a Rebel Hero to fight alongside

Traitor!!! You have joined the Imperial navy to patrol the galaxy. Choose an unit to pilot/fly.

The construction of the Death Star has been completed. Choose a position.

The Death Star is under attack from Rebel X-wings. What do you do??

What do you do on a Friday night

Which region of the US do you currently live in

Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire

Light side or dark side of the force??



A desert lawless world in some remote lost corner of the galaxy, tatooine is harsh, barren, and not welcoming to most. Early in its history, thousands of years before the founding of the First Galactic Republic, Tatooine was a balmy, tropical, ocean planet. Then in a large war the Rakatan Empire ravaged the planet, turning it dry and hot. Today, Tatooine is a hot place with dune seas, badland wastes, and deep canyons. A few small cities such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa, populated by humans and other aliens, are scattered across the planet, with fierce Tusken Raiders and rodent-like Jawas wandering the desert beyond.



The heart of the Republic and the Galactic Empire, Coruscant is a bustling city world located near the heart of the galaxy. Nearly every alien species in the galaxy inhabits this busy world and it serves as a jumping-off point for most planets in the whole galaxy. Coruscant has a varied landscape from the prestige captital of the galactic senate, the dirty and shady foundries, and the dark unknown underworld. Coruscant was the home of the Jedi Temple, until the end of the Clone Wars, when Emperor Palpatine wiped out nearly every Jedi

Death Star (First or Second)

Death Star (First or Second)

During the Clone Wars, the Seperatist army designed a weapon so powerful, it could destroy entire planets. They planned to build it in a matter of years and crush the Galactic Republic. However it was seemingly never built, the Clone Wars ended, and the separatist army was completely wiped out. How ever under the evil Emperor (previously Chancellor) Palpatine, the weapon had been started. Within only several years, it was completed and turned out to be the size of a small moon. This terrible weapon was called the Death Star and it was one of the worst things, the galaxy had ever seen. It had thousands of stormtroopers, imperial officers, service droids, and several high-ranking imperial officials aboard. It also had hundreds of turbolaser and gunner cannons. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the space station destroyed the peaceful planet of Alderaan into nothing. However the Rebels were able to stop the imperials from blowing up their base, and destroyed the Death Star. However the imperials rebuilt a considerably larger second one and planned to destroy the rebels with it at the Battle of Endor. The rebels sucsessfuly destroyed the shield protecting it and launched a raid on its, destroying it and seemingly ending the reign of the Galactic Empire. However a small remanant known as the First Order remained and converted a small ice planet in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy into Starkiller Base, a much, much, much larger battlestation that could destroy entire star systems. The rebels again blew it up, but not without losing the world of Hosnian Prime, the seat of the New Republic and the new galactic senate.

Mon Cala (Dac)

Mon Cala (Dac)

A large ocean world in the heart of the galaxy's Wild Space, Mon Calamari is home to the peaceful Mon Cala and the fierce, tentacled Quarren. During the Clone Wars, the Mon Cala fought against the Quarrens who had teamed up with the ruthless Seperatist Army to gain control of the planet. However altough they won and the Clone Wars ended, the Galactic Empire gained control of planet and treated the inhabitants harshly. Both the Mon Cala and Quarren joined the Rebel Alliance to drive the Imperials off their homeworld and to bring justice back to the galaxy



A volcanic world in the Outer Rim Territories, Sullust a toxic wastland of volcanoes, sulfur, and acid lakes. It is home to the large-eyed sullustans and other animals including ash birds and sullustan worms. Since it is rich in chemicals, the Soro Suub Corporation based their headquarters their for materials to build space yatchs and landspeeders. The Galactic Empire took intrest in Sullust for their raw materials, and they built many of their AT-AT walkers their. During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire heavily patrolled the planet with stormtroopers, imperial walkers, and tie fighters.



Hoth is the name of the sixth planet in an Outer Rim system with the same name. Hoth is a cold, ice planet that is inhabited by ferocious, furry wampas and peaceful tauntuans, which were introduced to the planet. Hoth was used for the Rebel Alliance's second base after the feared that they would endure heavy casualties if the Empire found them at their first base on the moon of Yavin 4. However, Lord Vader's search for the force-sensitive Luke Skywalker, revealed the location of their base with imperial probe droids. Once the base had been found, AT-AT walkers completely decimated all rebel forces left on the planet.

Forest Moon of Endor

Forest Moon of Endor

The forest moon of Endor is located near the edge of the Outer Rim of the galaxy and orbits a reddish gas giant. The forest moon was used for several Imperial operations centers and the shield generator for the second Death Star. The savage, but intelligent Ewoks inhabit the moon and live in large tree villages that stretch for miles across the tree canopy. They are not at all fond of the Imperial forces invading their moon, and they along with the rebels fought back valiantly.

Yavin 4

Yavin 4

Yavin is a gas giant that is located at the inner edge of the Outer Rim. Its fourth moon, Yavin 4, is covered by warm, steamy tropical forests. Ancient crumbling temples dot the endless expanse of jungle with the orange Yavin hanging in the soft blue sky. The temples were built during the early Republic by "dark Jedi" or Sith lords enslaved a humanoid race native to the moon and built the huge temples to honor the Sith gods. Later the Rebel Alliance used these temples as a base.

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