Can You Identify 15 Currencies From a Close Up?

Look real close - can you spot the clues that can help you guess where in the world these different currencies come from? How savvy are you with money? Take the quiz and find out!

Eric von Coelln
Created by Eric von Coelln (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 2, 2015
1 / 15

Where is this Tropical Currency from?

2 / 15

Which Middle East Country is this from?

3 / 15

I can not tell a lie, you probably know this one...who is the President on this bill?

4 / 15

What a cute little deer...

5 / 15

The White House is on what US Currency?

6 / 15

In what Southeast Asian Country would you find this currency?

7 / 15

I do believe there is someone flying that bird...

8 / 15

Here's a hint - this one is from a country starting with the letter "i"

9 / 15

Name the country where you'd find this currency

10 / 15

Name the currency

11 / 15

Sea Turtles! Baby Sea Turtles!

12 / 15

Where would you find this legal tender?

13 / 15

What country put this monarch on their currency?

14 / 15

From what South American country's currency would you find this water fowl?

15 / 15

Where would you put your eye on this currency?

Questions left
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