Could You Win A Spelling Bee?

See how well you know Scripps National Spelling Bee words!

Em G
Created by Em G
On May 14, 2015

How do you spell the word describing a device that detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it? (pronounced \'sen-,sȯr\)

How do you spell the word of Latin origin meaning having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone? (pronounced \am'bivələnt\)

How do you spell the word of Arabic origin meaning a very soft mineral that is a basic silicate of magnesium, has a soapy feel, and is used especially in making talcum powder? (pronounced \'talk\)

How do you spell the word of Asian origin describing a wild dog found in Africa and Asia? (pronounced \'ja-kəl\)

How do you spell the word of French origin meaning a situation in which no progress seems possible? (pronounced \'im-ˌpas\)

How do you spell the word of German origin meaning a dance in which a couple moves in a regular series of three steps? (pronounced \'wȯl(t)s\)

How do you spell the word of Slavic origin meaning a toroidal device for producing controlled nuclear fusion that involves the confining and heating of a gaseous plasma by means of an electric current and magnetic field? (pronounced \'tō-kə-ˌmak\)

How do you spell the word of Dutch origin meaning a British resident in the former republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State? (pronounced \'āt-ˌlan-dər\)

How do you spell the word of Old English origin meaning the state or condition of not having enough of something? (pronounced \'dərth\)

How do you spell the word of Greek origin meaning a speech that praises someone who has died? (pronounced \'yü-lə-jē\)

How do you spell the word of Italian origin meaning an Italian sauce that is made especially of fresh basil, garlic, oil, and grated cheese? (pronounced \'pes-(ˌ)tō\)

How do you spell the word of Spanish origin meaning a person who is not a police officer but who tries to catch and punish criminals? (pronounced \,vi-jə-'lan-tē\)

How do you spell the word of Japanese origin meaning a son or daughter of nisei parents who is born and educated in America and especially in the United States? (pronounced \,sän-'sā,\)

How do you spell the word of New World origin describing a large type of deer that lives in northern parts of the world? (pronounced \'ker-ə-,bü\)

How do you spell the word of Arabic origin meaning a small European herb that is used to flavor food? (pronounced \'ter-ə-,gän\)

Spelling Novice

Spelling Novice

I'm sorry, but I don't think you could win a spelling bee. Study up on these words and then you might have a chance!

Proficient Speller

Proficient Speller

You did not get all of them right, but you did a pretty good job. You could probably place in the top half of the spelling bee!

Spelling Expert

Spelling Expert

You could win any spelling bee. You answered the majority of the questions right... And they weren't easy! You should have entered spelling bees as a child because you would have gone all the way. Good for you!

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