Frozen Bubbles Are Basically The Coolest Thing On This Planet, And You Need To See Them...

If you've ever wondered what would happen if a bubble got frozen underwater, get ready to find out just how amazing they are!

Elsa Amelia
Created by Elsa Amelia
On Jul 21, 2016

These are frozen bubbles.


They kind of look like everything you've ever hoped space travel would look like.


Essentially, these underwater pockets of air met with extreme cold and became frozen in their tracks.


Sometimes they're more like giant air pockets than little bubbles:


Also, you can skate over them with varying degrees of the certainty of your safety...


Sometimes, they form deep stacked columns in the water...


I'm roughly 80% certain that ice bubbles inspired roughly 80% of early '70s design sensibilities.


I'm also about 80% sure nature just got really inspired by Monet's water lillies and tried to copy...


These particularly crazy bubbles are up at Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada...


But basically, I think we can all agree that ice bubbles are pretty much the coolest thing ever...

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021