Are You A Geography Expert? Name The Country By National Dress!

It's a small world, after all!

Elle Van der Veer
Created by Elle Van der Veer (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 12, 2018

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

What country does this traditional dress represent?

You are a geography expert!

You are a geography expert!

Wow! Have you traveled the world like 80 times!? Because you certainly know your national dress! It's very impressive. Perhaps you should become a sociologist, or an anthropologist? See you out on the world's stage, you savvy world traveler!

You... should travel some more.

You... should travel some more.

Hmm. Have you ever been to Disneyland, or Disney World? Because you should totally ride "It's A Small World" if you haven't yet! It's an adorable crash course in different national dress across the world. And you'll have the song stuck in your head for weeks, too!

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