What Beyonce Song Describes Your Life?

An UPDATED Quiz with more questions and more YONCE! So, what song describes you?

Eddi Diatta
Created by Eddi Diatta (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 26, 2018

First Off, what's your relationship status?

How does this picture make you feel?

How do you feel in your favorite outfit?

Who do you spend your Saturday nights with?

Dog Or Cat?

What do you think about your ex?

Pick a life motto!

What's your favorite makeup to do?

Do you love yourself?

And finally, How dry is your phone?



You life is just over flowing with happiness and love! Weather it's a new relationship, or a new friendship, something has changed in your life for the better and you can't stop smiling about it.

Run The World (Girls)

Run The World (Girls)

Your life is all about independence and self-empowerment right now. This song will just remind you how bad-ass you are and how much you need to love yourself!



Your life is so great right now, like honestly, tell me your secrets! You are SLAYING the game right now! DAMN GIRL WORK IT OUT!!!!

Pretty Hurts

Pretty Hurts

You're feeling very self conscious, or unwanted right now. Just remember, pretty hurts! Don't spend your time fixating on what you can't change, and work to improve yourself on the inside rather than the out.

Love On Top

Love On Top

You are deeply in love and want to shout it from the roof tops! Your partner IS your life right now, but remember to always take time to make sure you're OK!

Naughty Girl

Naughty Girl

You feel hella sexy right now! Your life, at the moment, is about living for today and loving as much as possible! SO yeah, you're not exactly in a relationship and you're not really single, but who cares! Embrace your sexuality!

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