Do You Belong To The Top 1% Of The Population Who Think Like A Renaissance Man?
Do You Belong To The Top 1% Of The Population Who Think Like A Renaissance Man?
Do you think like a polymath?
Do you think like a polymath?

You're a rational thinker
You're a rational thinker
You are a highly rational thinker! You use logic and common sense to make decisions and react to different situations. There are obviously times when you use emotions to dictate your behavior, but hey, you're only human! You should feel proud that you are quite the intellectual, mature and able to guide your life using reason and rationale!
You're an intuitive thinker
You're an intuitive thinker
You are a highly intuitive thinker! Most of the decisions you make and the reactions you have to the obstacles thrown your way are dictated by your intuition. This can prove to be a challenge for you, but it also means that you are extremely passionate, empathetic to others and that you feel strongly towards your morals and principles. You have a strong sense of rationale when completely necessary, but you should try and be more patient and be more level-headed during times of crises in your life.
You're a polymath!
You're a polymath!
Congratulations! You're a polymath! People who are high in both thinking styles are Renaissance people. You have the brains of a scientist and the sensibilities of a poet. In other words you have the positive features of both thinking styles and do not have their negative features because they are kept under control by the other thinking styles!