What Type of University Student Are You?

Do you see yourself as a competitive nerd or a posh git?

Desiree Van
Created by Desiree Van
On Oct 14, 2016

Why did you decide to go to university?

Which famous graduate would be you BFF?

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Where are you more likely to spend your evenings?

Pick something to pre-drink with:

Pick a drunk food:

Pick a place to have a nap:

Would you go to University all over again?

The Rebrand

The Rebrand

Bam! The old you is dead. Whether you've decided to start going by your middle name, dye your hair or invest in a new wardrobe; you're all about fresh starts. If anyone finds out about that time you pissed yourself on sports day? Give them the blank stare.

The Gap Year Wanker

The Gap Year Wanker

You just can't quite face the fact that you're back from Thailand. So you take every opportunity to relive it through showing literally anyone your photos and bringing up crazy stories, like that time you had one too many Singhas and chundered everywhere...


The Posh One

The Posh One

All the posh people gravitate towards each other; dominating uni ski trips, the fencing club, and the local wine cafe. You have the slick confidence that comes from expensive coaching and a private education, and you're obsessed with cheese and wine soirées.

The Serial Fresher

The Serial Fresher

You've seen it all. You've basically spent the last three years lashing, clubbin, vomming, and then lashing some more. The result? You've yet to pass first year and you've caused lasting damage to your liver. Well done.

The Hermit

The Hermit

You tried your hardest to be social on the day you moved in - then you remembered that you prefer your own company and swiftly disappeared. You only appear on special occasions: essay hand ins, exams, and the obligatory flatmate birthday parties.

The Master Procrastinator

The Master Procrastinator

You really love a good cup of tea....and cleaning, netflix, knitting, counting your loose change, and pretty much anything that isn't work related. After all, if you leave that essay until the very last minute you'll be older, and therefore wiser. Right?

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021