If You Can Figure Out Which Language English Borrowed Each Of These Words From, You're A Linguistic Genius!

English has definitely taken a few pages out of other languages' books! How well do you know the sources of these common English words? If you can get 13/15 origins, you're a linguistics genius!

Amy Sharpe
Created by Amy Sharpe
On Apr 28, 2018
1 / 15

Where is "entrepreneur" borrowed from?

2 / 15

Where did English borrow the word "fest"--like a party or festival--from?

3 / 15

What language was this "mammoth" word borrowed from?

4 / 15

Where does the word "genre," like categories of literature, come from?

5 / 15

Where does the beautiful dance (and word!) "waltz" come from?

6 / 15

What does this long word for small schoolchildren come from: "Kindergarten"?

7 / 15

The famous period of art and science was known as the "Renaissance"; where does that word originate?

8 / 15

Where is the word "typhoon" borrowed from?

9 / 15

Where did English pick up the word "patio"?

10 / 15

What about the word "khaki"?

11 / 15


12 / 15

Where do we get "moped," as in the bike?

13 / 15

Where was the word "tsunami" borrowed from?

14 / 15

And where did "paparazzi" come from?

15 / 15

Finally, where does English (and the Internet!) get "avatar" from?

Questions left
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