Do You Actually Stress Other People Out? This Quiz Reveals Your Impact On Others

You aren't perfect. We know this about you because nobody is. There's a chance you might annoy your friends and family from time to time and you might even stress them out. This quiz will let you know how stressful other people find you.

David Hamilton
Created by David Hamilton (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Nov 29, 2018

Amongst your friends and family, do you tend to organize get-togethers? Or does someone else generally handle organizing and inviting people to such events?

When a friend or family member achieves something, how often do you hear about it directly from them as opposed to hearing about it second-hand?

When you are alone with a friend or family member, do you find you and them laugh more or less than when you are with a bigger group?

Do you find your friends take part in alcohol/tobacco/illicit drugs more or less than you do when you are together?

Have you noticed that your friends or family seem to have a different personality around you than they do others? Do they behave differently around you than they do others?

How often do you find your friends or family complain about their problems to you?

How often do you find others disagree with your opinions openly?

Do you tend to want to leave early or stay later than your friends or family at get togethers?

Yes, you are stressful to others

Yes, you are stressful to others

No, others don't find you stressful

No, others don't find you stressful

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