Only 2% Of The Population Can Pass A Basic Spanish Drill. Can you?
Only 2% Of The Population Can Pass A Basic Spanish Drill. Can you?
Prueba básica en gramática española.
Prueba básica en gramática española.

Which of these words does NOT have a masculine ending?
What is the Spanish word for Spain?
What is the difference between "Ser" and "Estar"?
What does the name of the city of Los Angeles translate to?
How does one say "eating" in Español?
Which of these is not a Spanish speaking country?
What is the first conjugation of the verb "morir"?
What is the first conjugation of the verb "ir" in the past tense?
Cuál es la capital de España?
How would you say the command, "Close the door?"
How do you say "Congratulations" in Spanish?
Which linguistic branch does Spanish stem from?
What does the verb "ir" mean?
You aced it! Your Spanish is flawless! You have a mastery of vocabulary and tense as well as conversation skills. Clearly, you have a natural talent for languages. You’re an avid reader, you enjoy word games, and you like puns and rhymes. Keep up your efforts, and don’t forget to SHARE this basic Spanish drill with everyone you know.
Muy bien, amigo!! You have certainly shown a good level of proficiency. You must be highly skilled at reading, writing, editing, and storytelling. Keep up your efforts, and don’t forget to SHARE this basic Spanish drill with everyone you know.
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