This Color Test Will Reveal Your Secret Desire

The colors tell all!

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Jun 28, 2018

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Choose a color:

Your Secret Desire is....Wanting everyone to like you!

Your Secret Desire is....Wanting everyone to like you!

You are friendly and super enthusiastic. You have an inner drive, a secret desire for everyone to like you. And guess what...most of the time...they do!

Your secret desire be Famous!

Your secret desire be Famous!

You love attention! So much so that your biggest secret desire is to be famous. You know you're born to be in the spotlight and who knows maybe one day you will be.

Your secret desire be Filthy Rich!

Your secret desire be Filthy Rich!

Your secret desire is to be so rich that even the Queen of England will be jealous. You have an eye for beauty and material things so it's only natural you want the best.

Your secret desire is..Moving far away!

Your secret desire is..Moving far away!

You've been living in the same place for quite some time. You've always felt out of place. You secretly desire to make a drastic move, travel to a distant land and blend in with the locals.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021