Can You Pass This Old Hollywood Quiz?

Hollywood is booming now, but did you know it started way back in the day? How much do you know about old Hollywood movies, starlets and traditions? Take this quiz to find out.

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Sep 27, 2018
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1 / 9

In which Shakespearean play did James Dean once act?

2 / 9

 Who was known as the "Swedish Sphinx"?

3 / 9

Humphrey Bogart commonly played what role?

4 / 9

How many directors did "Gone With the Wind" have?

5 / 9

Who starred alongside Henry Fonda in "Jezebel"?

6 / 9

Marlene Dietrich and Josef Von Sternberg made how many movies together?

7 / 9

Where did John Wayne's nickname come from?

8 / 9

In which television show did Fred Astaire perform his last on-screen dance?

9 / 9

Elizabeth Taylor became the first highest paid actress for what movie?

Questions left
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