school for good and evil: Are u A Never or an Ever?
school for good and evil: Are u A Never or an Ever?

One of the most unpopular Evers ask you to sit with them, Then the popular kids ask you to sit with them, what do you do?
Would you rather: have all the money in the world but have no friends or family.
Or have you friends and family be happy but all your money goes to them and ur poor.
Agatha offered you to go and wonder around the forest but that would mean missing on the snow ball.
Sophie offered U to go to the snowball with her since u don't have a date, but that would mean missing on Agatha.
What do U do?
You have a choose between a Black cat and a white dog,
A white cat and a Black dog.
Which one?
Do you think that Good can turn Evil and Evil can turn good?
A boy/girl you don't like asked you out for the Snow ball.
Last question:
A Witch in the woods Is capturing little children and making them into soup.
Do you..
You are a
You are a
You are An evil Villain! :D
You are an
You are an
You are pure good!
(school for good and evil) Are you a Never or an Ever?