Only Actual Scientists Can Score 10/12 On This True Or False Science Trivia Challenge!

See if you can tell fact from fiction on a wide variety of scientific subjects here!

Bruce Boyena
Created by Bruce Boyena
On Mar 9, 2018
1 / 12

There is enough DNA in an average person’s body to stretch from the sun to the moon and back 17 times.

2 / 12

A person weighs more on the moon than they do on Earth.

3 / 12

Scallops have no eyes.

4 / 12

The average human body carries ten times more human cells than bacterial cells.

5 / 12

Platypi are poisonous.

6 / 12

Camels don't actually store water in their humps.

7 / 12

It takes light from the sun 8 hours to reach Earth.

8 / 12

The dinosaur with the longest neck relative to its body size was the triceratops.

9 / 12

There are 206 bones in the human body.

10 / 12

Uranium is the only metal that is liquid at standard room temperature and pressure.

11 / 12

Prosopagnosia is a disorder in which people struggle to recognize faces.

12 / 12

Seahorses have two stomachs.

Questions left
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