What Food Emoji Are You?
What Food Emoji Are You?
You're a real 🍕work. I 🍩know a more accurate quiz!
You're a real 🍕work. I 🍩know a more accurate quiz!

Which of these emojis do you use the most?
How confident in yourself are you?
What type of 'texter' are you?
Which of these superpowers would you want most?
Which level of schooling would you go back to?
What school subject were you best at in school?
Which sounds like the most fun way to spend a day?
Which social media app is your favorite?
How would your friends describe you?
Pancake emoji
Pancake emoji
Like a pancake, you're light and fluffy. You have a big heart and are very emotionally open. You are incredibly caring.
Pineapple emoji
Pineapple emoji
Like a pineapple, you are wild and outgoing. You are someone who has lots of energy and chases excitement. You love experiencing new things.
Pizza emoji
Pizza emoji
Like pizza, you are a classic soul. You are all about traditions and keeping up with the ones you care for. You are someone who is not a big fan of standing out in a crowd and you tend to prefer to follow the crowd. You always stay up to date on trends.
Taco emoji
Taco emoji
Like a taco, you have a hard shell around you. You are more of an introverted person. You don't like expressing too much about yourself to others. You prefer to keep things on the low.