If I Could Chat With My Body Image, Here's What It Would Say

If our mental hang-ups could talk, they'd sound a lot like this...

Benn Qrandt
Created by Benn Qrandt
On Apr 25, 2016


Me say

Wow! Today is going to be great. I actually feel rested for once.


Me say


Me say

What should I wear?

Body Image

Body Image say

Well.... no matter what you put on you're going to look terrible.


Me say

Uh... ok....

Body Image

Body Image say

You'd better stick with something ultra loose and definitely black. Black is slimming ya know? You're going to need it.


Me say

Alright I guess I'll just pick this.


Me say

Now it's time for breakfast!

Body Image

Body Image say

You probably should skip that. Especially if you want to stick to that new crash diet you've been thinking about.


Me say

Naw, I think I'll just pick something healthy and quick. How about a granola bar?


Me say

Body Image

Body Image say

Actually, that bar is probably full of sugar. You don't want that.


Me say

No! I checked. It's actually legit. I have to eat SOMETHING

Body Image

Body Image say

Eating has been your biggest problem in the first place. Look at you! Your seat-belt can barely wrap around you.

Body Image

Body Image say


Me say

Maybe you're right. I kinda do feel terrible right now.


BAE say

*Ring Ring*


BAE say

Hey! I just wanted to call and wish you a good morning and say that I think you're beautiful.


Me say

Really? Thanks! Yeah, I've been having a rough day.

Body Image

Body Image say

And a rough life. I mean look at you!


BAE say

Why? Is something wrong?


Me say

Honestly. I've just been stressing about a few pounds I've gained. Life has been crazy and I haven't had the energy or time to make it to the gym.


BAE say

Babe. You look great, but if you want to make a change then don't stress. Just make a plan and stick to it. It will all be OK.


Me say

Yeah! You're right. I can so do this.

Body Image

Body Image say
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021