This Couple Turned Their House Into A Cat Palace!

And I'm pretty jealous to be honest.

Arthur Mills
Created by Arthur Mills
On Apr 7, 2016

Eliza and Tiffany just bought a new house for themselves and their seven cats. A friend decided that as a gift, she would help Cat-ify their new digs!

There ARE some cute cats in this picture though.


The upgrades include runways along the ceilings to facilitate kitty's lurking..

Just like this one!


And a leaf wall of Cat platforms! For extra cat shenanigans!

This lil guy seems pleased!


They even installed cat platforms above their back door. The cats can roam around about the house without setting a paw on the floor!


The cats might be thrilled, but this dog seems a little less excited...

"how do?"


To see more pictures of this fantastic cat palace, click here!:

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